Did you know the Latino community is the largest ethnic group in the US? Above 63 million of people, almost 19% of the nation’s population and 17% of the labor force. Latino market represents a yearly consumption of US$ 1.8 trillion. But we are not just consumers, though. There are about 500k Latino-owned businesses generating over $460 billion in annual revenue and 5 million of employees in the US today!!
This great Dhar Mann’s video story relates how easily Latinos can be discriminated by the system. Our community faces daily several challenges such as Wage Harassment, Underrepresentation, Lack of Access to Health, Financial and Educational services, Disproportionate Job Losses and Interest Rates, and the list is long.

You can watch the whole video just by clicking/tapping on the image below 👇🏻

Credits: @DharMannStudios
This is the moment to start changing this type of situations like the lady in the bank. How can we do it? Educating ourselves and getting new skills to improve our understanding and expertise. This can include things likes digital marketing (Did you get the lady’s daughter promoted her bakery thru TikTok?), finances and accounting, learning how to use available digital tools, using AI to improve processes, etc.
Start now. Do not leave it for later. You can make it. Education makes the difference.
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(816) 258 8122